Power Automate: Set email category

In a recent AI project, I developed a solution to evaluate every incoming email in a shared mailbox using an AI model (GPT with prompt). To inform users of the shared mailbox that an email has been processed, the email is flagged with a custom Outlook category. This process leverages a special HTTP action for Outlook, simplifying the implementation. Notably, there is no need to set up any special permissions if the flow owner already has access to the shared mailbox. This example does not cover the specifics of communicating with the AI through Power Automate.

Creating custom category in Outlook

  • Open Microsoft Outlook.
  • Click on Category in the Home Ribbon.
  • Click on All Categories.
  • Click on New.
  • Set a name and select a color.
  • Click on OK followed by Clicking on OK.
  • You have now created the custom Outlook category.

Setting the category with Power Automate

  • Create a new Power Automate flow with an outlook/email trigger. For example: When a new email arrives in a shared mailbox.
  • Add the Send an HTTP request action.
  • Set the URI to be following code.
  • Set the method to PATCH
  • Use the following JSON code for the body
"categories": ["AI Finished"]
  • Set the Content-Type to application/json.
  • Save the flow.

One Reply to “Power Automate: Set email category”

  1. Hey Ben,
    thank you for your hint. I was exactly searching for this as there is no “action” in power automate for setting a category.
    At my setup I wanted to set a category in a shared mailbox and not in my own inbox. I just wanted to share, that when you want to add a category in a shared mailbox, the URI of the HTTP Request needs to be adjusted to following:
    Just replace the [sharedemail@doamin.de] with the email of the sharedMailbox where you have access to and swap [MessageId] to the value that Ben pointed out above.

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