Display Template custom footer

The Control Template is responsible for the information that is shown in the footer. By default no footer will be displayed, we are able to change this to what ever HTML we want. But remember that we do not have any item related information in the control template. In this blog post I will explain how too create a footer. More information on display templates can be found on my blog post SharePoint 2013 custom display templates.


1. Edit the related Control Template.
2. Find the end tag of the main UL.

<ul class="cbs-List">
   _#= ctx.RenderGroups(ctx) =#_

3. We can place the footer direct below the </ul> or after the noResults If statement, but within the main DIV.

if (ctx.ClientControl.get_shouldShowNoResultMessage())
        <div class="_#= noResultsClassName =#_">_#= $noResults =#_</div>

4. Add the required footer html, for example a URL to a info page.

   <a href="/info.aspx">More info</a>

5. Publish the control template.



Display Template custom no results text

The Control Template is responsible for the information that is shown when there are no results returned. Located in the control template is a JavaScript If statement that checks if there are no results returned. If there are no results then a default variable (noResults) will be displayed. We are able to change this to what ever HTML and text we want. In this blog post I will explain who to change this. More information on display templates can be found on my blog post SharePoint 2013 custom display templates.


1. Edit the related Control Template.
2. Find the if statement that checks if there are no results returned.

if (ctx.ClientControl.get_shouldShowNoResultMessage())
        <div class="_#= noResultsClassName =#_">_#= $noResults =#_</div>

3. Remove the default variable noResults and if needed remove the default class noResultsClassName

if (ctx.ClientControl.get_shouldShowNoResultMessage())
        <div class=""> </div>

4. Change the default text and if need add a new class for styling.

if (ctx.ClientControl.get_shouldShowNoResultMessage())
        <div class="MyClass">This is a custom no results text!</div>

5.Publish the Control Template





SharePoint 2013: Folders are bad

You have probably heard this SharePoint slogan before: Do not use folders with SharePoint. If you are wondering why this is or need some arguments to convince a customer, then use the following list of reasons.

1. Structure
Changing a folder structure is complicated and time consuming, while changing a metadata structure is easier.

2. Authorization
Setting authorization on folders is possible but before you know it you have created an administrative nightmare

3. Findability
A nested folder structure is only know to the person who created it. Nesting folders will result in semi hidden files.

4. URL length
The URL Length is limited around 256 characters. All the nested folders names will be added to the URL which means you will run into the 256 limit very fast.

5. File Path
When moving files between folders will change the files path. This can result in broken links to the moved file.

6. Duplication
Multiple copies of one file tend to end up in multiple folders. This will result in version conflicts and possible misinformation.

7. Navigation: The user experience with navigating through folders is time consuming and confusing. It is hard to remember where you are and which folders you already checked.

8. Navigation
When a few sub folders down it is very hard to see where you are in the folder structure

9. Filter
You are able to filter within the opened folder, you are unable to filter all the document simultaneously. Filtering all documents simultaneously will speed up the searching process.

10. Sorting
You are able to sort within the opened folder, you are unable to sort all the document simultaneously. Sorting all documents simultaneously will speed up the searching process.

11. Losing files
When you place a file in a wrong folder in a lot of situation you know lost a file.

12. Forcing groups
Files can fall under multiple groups, with folders you need to store the file twice.

Display Template Show Limits Characters

Display templates are used to show the queried results in a attractive and useful layout. With the CQWP we used XSLT to format the data as required, but with display templates we need to use JavaScript. One of my most formatted field is the publishing page content field. In this blog post I will explain how you can limit the number of characters shown. In this post I also explain how to remove the HTML markup.

Solution publishing page content
1. Edit the related Item Template.
2. Add the PublishingPageContent to the ManagedPropertyMapping. For a clean example I removed all mappings besides Title and PublishingPageContent.

<mso:ManagedPropertyMapping msdt:dt="string">'Titel':'Title','PublishingPageContent':'PublishingPageContentOWSHTML'</mso:ManagedPropertyMapping>

3. Create a variable for the PublishingPageContent column.

var PublishingPageContentHTML = $getItemValue(ctx, "PublishingPageContent");

4. The PublishingPageContentHTML will contain the page content but with styling. The following code will remove the styling.

var div = document.createElement("div");
div.innerHTML= PublishingPageContentHTML;
var PublishingPageContentL = div.textContent|| div.innerText|| "";

5. In most situations we also want to show a maximum number of characters followed bu three dots. The following code will limit the amount of characters to 175 followed by the required dots. If the content is less then 175 characters long, no dots will be displayed.

var PublishingPageContent = "";
if (PublishingPageContentL.toString().length > 175) {
	PublishingPageContent = PublishingPageContentL.toString().substring(0,175) + "...";
else {
	PublishingPageContent = PublishingPageContentL;

6. Us the code below to display the PublishingPageContent.

   _#= $htmlEncode(PublishingPageContent ) =#_



CSWP Result

Remove HTML markup with display templates

Display templates are used to show the queried results in a attractive and useful layout. With the CQWP we used XSLT to format the data as required, but with display templates we need to use JavaScript. One of my most formatted field is the publishing page content field. In this blog post I will explain how you can show the field without the formatting tags by using JavaScript.

Solution publishing page content
1. Edit the related Item Template.
2. Add the PublishingPageContent to the ManagedPropertyMapping. For a clean example I removed all mappings besides Title and PublishingPageContent.

<mso:ManagedPropertyMapping msdt:dt="string">'Titel':'Title','PublishingPageContent':'PublishingPageContentOWSHTML'</mso:ManagedPropertyMapping>

3. Create a variable for the PublishingPageContent column.

var PublishingPageContentHTML = $getItemValue(ctx, "PublishingPageContent");

4. The PublishingPageContentHTML will contain the page content but with styling. The following code will remove the styling.

var div = document.createElement("div");
div.innerHTML= PublishingPageContentHTML;
var PublishingPageContentL = div.textContent|| div.innerText|| "";

5. Us the code below to display the PublishingPageContent.

   _#= $htmlEncode(PublishingPageContent ) =#_


CSWP Result

Custom date formats with display templates

Display templates are used to show the queried results in a attractive and useful layout. With the CQWP we used XSLT to format the data as required, but with display templates we need to use JavaScript. One of my most formatted field are the date fields. In this blog post I will explain how you can change the format of a date field by using JavaScript.

Solution date format
1. Edit the related Item Template.
2. Add the ArticleStartDate to the ManagedPropertyMapping. For a clean example I removed all mappings besides Title and ArticleStartDate in the code below.

<mso:ManagedPropertyMapping msdt:dt="string">'Titel':'Title','ArticleStartDate':'ArticleStartDateOWSDATE'</mso:ManagedPropertyMapping>

3.  Create a variable for the ArticleStartDate column.

var ArticleStartDate = ctx.CurrentItem.ArticleStartDateOWSDATE;

4. To be able to format the date we need to create a new variable of the type Date.

var localArticleDate = new Date(ArticleStartDate);

5. Us the code below to display the ArticleStartDate with the required format.

   _#= localArticleDate.format("dd-MM-yyyy")



CSWP Result