From Bing Maps to Azure Maps

Bing maps has been an easy-to-use solution for getting location information in canvas apps, but this offering will be placed under the Azure Maps umbrella. While Bing Maps will continue to function for now, it’s essential to prepare for the transition. In this blog post I will explain how to use Azure Maps in a Canvas App. Please note that the locations shown in this post are not my actual location.

Azure Maps Services

  • First, we need to create a Azure Maps Account in a resource group (I will presume you know how to create a resource group).
  • Open your resource group.
  • Click on Create and search for and click on Azure Maps.
  • Click on Create.
  • Give the Azure Maps Account resource a name.
  • Select the correct Region and Pricing tier.
  • Agree with the terms and click on Review + Create.
  • Click on Create and wait for the deployment to be ready.
  • Click on Go to resource.
  • Click on Authentication and copy the Primary Key. You will need this in the Power Automate Flow.

The Power Automate Flow

  • Create a new Power Automate Flow and name it Azure maps get Postal Code.
  • Add as the trigger Power Apps (V2), with two text inputs called Longtitude and Latitude.
  • Next, we will add a HTTP action, this will call Azure Maps to get the location details based on the provided GPS location.
  • Set the method to Get.
  • Set the URI to the following code, make sure to put in your subscription-key (that is the primary key from the Azure Maps Account resource).
  • Set the Latitude and Longitude with the input fields form the trigger.{YOUR KEY}&query={Latitude},{Longitude}
  • Add the action Parse JSON and give it the name Parse JSON – Location information.
  • Set the Content to the body of the HTTP call and set the schema as detailed in the linked file.
  • Add a compose action (if you want to only return the first found postal code).
  • The code for the input is as follows if you have named the Parse JSON action the same as I did.
  • Add the Respond to a Power App or flow action.
  • Add an output text called postalcode and add the compose as its value.
  • Your flow will now look like this.

The canvas app

We will now create the canvas app with a map that shows the user’s current location on a map, and a button to get the postal code of that location and a reset button. Please note this is not my actual location.

  • Create a new canvas app, I blank Phone canvas.
  • Click on Power Automate followed by Add flow to add the earlier created flow.
  • Add the map element to the canvas app.
  • Set the DefaultLatitude property with the following code.
  • Set the Location.Latitude property with the following code.
  • Set DefaultLocation property with the following code.
  • If you want to see your Latitude and Logitude you can add labels to display the values.
  • Add a Label and set the Text property with the following code.
"Latitude: " & Location.Latitude
  • Add a Label and set the Text property with the following code.
"Longitude: " & Location.Longitude
  • Add a button and set the Text property with the following code.
"Get postal code"
  • Set following code on the OnSelect property. If needed update the code with your flow name, I used AzuremapsgetPostalCode.
Set(varPostalCode,AzuremapsgetPostalCode.Run(Location.Longitude, Location.Latitude));
  • Add a button and set the Text property with the following code.
  • Set following code on the OnSelect property.
Set(varPostalCode, Blank())
  • Add a label and set the Text property with the following code.
"Postal Code: " & varPostalCode.postalcode

Power Platform and Chat GPT

In today’s digital age, businesses are constantly looking for ways to streamline their processes and improve their customer experience. One way to do this is by leveraging the power of chatbots, which can quickly and efficiently answer customer inquiries. In this blog post, we will explore how to create a canvas app that uses Power Automate flow to ask ChatGPT API questions and display the response in the canvas app. By the end of this tutorial, you will have the tools and knowledge to build your own chatbot app that can answer your customers’ questions in real-time, enhancing their overall experience and increasing your operational efficiency. So, let’s get started!

Create a Chat GPT Api secret

  • Open the ChatGPT API site.
  • Login or create an account.
  • Click on Personal, followed by View API keys.
  • Click on Create new secret key and save the key in a password vault.

Creating the Power Automate Flow

  • Create a new Power Automate flow with the name Canvas app – Chat GPT.
  • Add as the trigger a PowerApps V2.
  • Add a text input with the name Question.
  • Add a HTTP action with the name Post to Chat GPT.
  • Set the Method to POST.
  • Set the URI to
  • Set the header to Content-Type with value application/json.
  • Set a second header to Authorization with the value Bearer [API Secret].
  • Set the body to the following json code.
  "model": "text-davinci-003",
  "prompt": "triggerBody()['text']",
  "temperature": 0,
  "max_tokens": 4000
  • Add a Parse JSON action with the name Chat GPT Response.
  • Set the Content to Body (response of the HTTP call).
  • Set the following schema (update the schema is the response is different).
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
        "id": {
            "type": "string"
        "object": {
            "type": "string"
        "created": {
            "type": "integer"
        "model": {
            "type": "string"
        "choices": {
            "type": "array",
            "items": {
                "type": "object",
                "properties": {
                    "text": {
                        "type": "string"
                    "index": {
                        "type": "integer"
                    "logprobs": {},
                    "finish_reason": {
                        "type": "string"
                "required": [
        "usage": {
            "type": "object",
            "properties": {
                "prompt_tokens": {
                    "type": "integer"
                "completion_tokens": {
                    "type": "integer"
                "total_tokens": {
                    "type": "integer"
  • Add the Respond to a PowerApp or Flow action.
  • Add a text output called ChatGPTRepsonse and add the response from Chat GPT with the following code.
  • The overall Power Automate flow will look like this.

Creating the Canvas app

  • Open the Power Apps Studio and create a new canvas app.
  • Rename Screen1 to Home.
  • Add the Canvas app – Chat GPT Power Automate flow to the canvas app.
  • Add a Rectange Shape to the top of the canvas app with the name RectTitle.
  • Add a label over the RectTitle with the name lblChatGPT.
  • Set the Text to “Send your question to the all powerful Chat GPT AI bot”.
  • Add a label with the name lblGPTRepsonse.
  • Place the lblGPTRepsonse on the right side of the screen.
  • Add a text input with the name txtQuestion.
  • Place the txtQuestion on the left side of the screen.
  • Set the txtQuestion Default to “What is your question?”.
  • If you like add an Image with the name imgRobot and add an image of a robot in the Image property.
  • Place the imgRobot left and next to the lblGPTRepsonse.
  • Add a button with the name btnSendQuestion.
  • Set the following code on the Onselect of the btnSendQuestion.
    • This will save the response in the variable repsonsegpt.
    • Start the flow with the text provided in the textQuestion text input box.
Set(responsegpt, 'Canvasapp-ChatGPT'.Run(txtQuestion.Text).chatgptrespondse)

Retrieve Dataverse records with JavaScript

When validations or manipulations in a model-driven app are too complex for a business rule you can use JavaScript instead. With JavaScript you can use the Dynamics API to gather information and/or update records. JavaScript only runs on the interface; this means that the validation or manipulation only happen when a user is interacting with the model-driven app.


With retrieveRecord you can retrieve a records form a table if you know the ID.

Xrm.WebApi.retrieveRecord("account", "a8a19cdd-88df-e311-b8e5-6c3be5a8b200", "?$select=name,revenue")

Xrm.WebApi.retrieveRecord("TABLE", "ID", "?$select=COLUMN,COLUMN")

In this example a record from the table accounts is retrieved and the columns name and revenue are returned. If it was successful the results are displayed in the console, if an error occurred then the error message is displayed in the console.

Xrm.WebApi.retrieveRecord("account", "a8a19cdd-88df-e311-b8e5-6c3be5a8b200", "?$select=name,revenue").then(
    function success(result) {
        console.log("Retrieved values: Name: " + + ", Revenue: " + result.revenue);
        // perform operations on record retrieval
    function (error) {
        // handle error conditions


With retrieveMultipleRecords you can retrieve multiple records from a table based on a filtering.

Xrm.WebApi.retrieveMultipleRecords("account", "?$select=name,primarycontactid&$filter=primarycontactid eq a0dbf27c-8efb-e511-80d2-00155db07c77")

Xrm.WebApi.retrieveMultipleRecords("[TABLE]", "?$select=[COLUMN],[COLUMN]&$filter=[COLUMN] eq ID")

In this example three records from the table accounts are retrieved and the columns name is returned. If it was successful the results are displayed in the console, if an error occurred then the error message is displayed in the console.

Xrm.WebApi.retrieveMultipleRecords("account", "?$select=name", 3).then(
    function success(result) {
        for (var i = 0; i < result.entities.length; i++) {
        console.log("Next page link: " + result.nextLink);
        // perform additional operations on retrieved records
    function (error) {
        // handle error conditions

Expand query to get related records

With the $expand options we can retrieve related records of the record that was returned, this works for both retrieveRecord and retrieveMultipleRecords. Expand uses navigation columns (relationship/lookup) to retrieve the related records.

Xrm.WebApi.retrieveRecord("account", "a8a19cdd-88df-e311-b8e5-6c3be5a8b200", "?$select=name&$expand=primarycontactid($select=contactid,fullname)")
Xrm.WebApi.retrieveRecord("[TABLE]", "ID", "?$select=[COLUMN]&$expand=[NAVIGATION COLUMN]($select=[COLUMN],[COLUMN])")

Xrm.WebApi.retrieveMultipleRecords("account", "?$select=name&$top=3&$expand=primarycontactid($select=contactid,fullname)", 3)
Xrm.WebApi.retrieveMultipleRecords("[TABLE]", "?$select=[COLUMN]&$top=3&$expand=[NAVIGATION COLUMN]($select=[COLUMN],[COLUMN])", 3)

Asynchronous function to wait on the return

When using retrieveMultipleRecords you might need to use an asynchronous function. The function needs to wait on retrieveMultipleRecords to return the values before continuing with the function. You do this by making two async functions, one with the main logic and the second one which retrieves the records.

async function xseption(formContext) {
    var xseptions = await getXseptions(companyProfileId);
    //Do something with the return
async function getXseptions(guid) {
    var query = "?$select=rc_categorytypeid,rc_xseptionsid&$filter=_rc_related_companyprofile_value eq " + guid + "&$expand=rc_categorytypeid($select=rc_value)";
    var result = await Xrm.WebApi.retrieveMultipleRecords("rc_xseptions", query);

    return result;